Bri Xandrick (MC)
Bri Xandrick came to United Vision for Idaho with a unique and diverse perspective fueled by her history as a storyteller and producer. Her background in media carries a set of skills and talents that compliment and bolster the incredible work UVI continues to enact.
Having studied producing and advertising, Bri formed and operated an award-winning production company specializing in commercials and branded content, with clients like Netflix, Red Bull, and Time Magazine. Time spent working as a producer gave her a deep understanding of organization, team management, budgeting, scheduling, and client care, all while maintaining a creative vision.
Born out of a desire to meld skill with passion and purpose, she joined the United Vision Project as an outreach volunteer in 2020. After experiencing firsthand the strength and necessity of UVI’s theory of change, she began to take a leadership role within the project and quickly found herself enmeshed with the vision, training hundreds of volunteers on the skills of empathetic listening. In 2022, she became the Associate Director for United Vision for Idaho, working in collaboration with Execute Director Adrienne Evans to move and manage the many programs created by UVI and their organizational partners.
In 2023, she worked collaboratively to construct the new Authentic Relational Conversation (ARC) training curriculum and the model of Authentic Relational Organizing (ARO). She stands on the frontlines of the movement with UVI, acting as a creator for the United Vision National Training Hub and spearheading pilot projects in deep partnership with other organizations. In her role, she has cultivated and deepened relationships with diverse groups, from movement organizers to those in nontraditional fields of influence with shared vision. She is a prominent collaborative partner in projects that include critical assessments of best practices, effective organizing, and narrative strategies to strengthen and build movements that work collectively to counter the rise of toxic polarization, authoritarianism, and waning faith in democratic institutions.
Ever evolving and growing, Bri Xandrick looks forward to the coming years and the hope that United Vision for Idaho continues to build for all people.