Conference Program
Below is the schedule at a glance. Please stay tuned for updates on plenary speakers and the full line up of breakout sessions and affinity groups.

Pre-conference Gatherings
Pre-Con: Bodily Autonomy and Sovereignty: Land Back and Reproductive Justice
Organized by Collective Power for Reproductive Justice, Building the Fire Fund, and more
Pre-Con: Seriously, what do we do? Surviving a new age of anti-trans legislation and rhetoric
Organized by Equality Federation and Political Research Associates
Pre-Con: Starting a Rocking Chair Rebellion
Organized by Third Act
Pre-Con: White Privilege is Real But It’s Not an Organizing Strategy: Organizing White People Through Shared Interest to Block Fascism
Organized by Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
Pre-Con: Abolishing Corporate Rule Is Part of the Solution to Authoritarianism and Fascism
Organized by Move to Amend
Special Events
A Beautiful Revolution: How Art Feeds the Movement for a People-Centered Multiracial Democracy
Organized by the New Justice Project
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Recommended for those joining the pilgrimage to the George Floyd Global Memorial.
Pilgrimage to the George Floyd Global Memorial
Organized by 22CI and the George Floyd Global Memorial
6:30 - 8:30 pm
More info coming soon on how to register for this session as space on the buses and pilgrimage is limited. For more information about the George Floyd Global Memorial please visit
Rank Your Brew and Artists for a Better Democracy
Co-host organizations include FairVote MN, New Justice Project, Vote Run Lead, Clean Elections Minnesota, More Equitable Democracy, Democracy Rising, Latino Lead, and others.
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Finnegans Brew Co., 817 Fifth Ave S. Minneapolis 55404
This event is a reception for all attendees of the 22nd Century Conference as a way to meet and mingle, get to know the Twin Cities brewery and performing artists scene, and learn about the power of Ranked Choice Voting the fun way—sampling delicious beer, listening to fabulous artists, and ranking and electing their favorites of the night! The ballot will be online for easy access and instant tabulation. Speakers include New Justice Project Executive Director Rod Adams, FairVote Minnesota Executive Director Jeanne Massey, and elected officials.
Opening Plenary: Our Vision for a Multiracial Pluralistic Democracy - and the Movement to Win It!
This plenary will share a vision of both a multiracial pluralistic democracy and our vision for the movement that can achieve it. Kicked off by a welcome from 22nd Century Initiative and Minnesota leaders, we will have conversations and culture that frames our visions, and ground ourselves in shared purpose.
Breakout Session 1: Vision
Storytelling in mixed small groups with activities that build connection, foster authentic sharing, model that a plurality of perspectives are welcome, and construct a visual model of our pro-democracy movement visions.
Plenary: What We Are Up Against: The Authoritarian Movement’s Strategy
The rise of the authoritarian movement is both an extension of authoritarianism in U.S. history, and distinctly new. Two rounds of breakout sessions will help us understand the rise of the authoritarian movement in the United States, share stories and research on their current strategies and narratives, offer predictions of their next moves, and generate power maps and power analysis to inform our next moves.
Breakout Session 2: The Authoritarian Movement’s Strategy
Sessions will share stories and research about the authoritarian movement’s past, current, and potential future strategies; analysis of what is driving contemporary authoritarianism, including how our reactions at times fuel the slide; power analysis of the different aspects of the authoritarian ecosystem and how they connect on narrative and strategy across issues and targets; working beyond anti-hate frames in order to get to the root causes of authoritarianism instead of just its effects.
Schools: Battlegrounds for the Culture Wars: Who is Behind Them and What We Can Do About It - Live Streamed (Race Forward)
Weapon of Movement Destruction: Fighting Antisemitism and its Weaponization, in Minnesota and Beyond Part 1 (Jewish Community Action)
Democracy Begins with Bodily Autonomy: Reproductive Rights and Justice post-Dobbs
Anti-Sex, A Tool of Authoritarianism: Why Media Matters (Curious Communications)
Housing Justice & The Fight Against Rising Fascism (Right to the City)
Raised By Wolves film and discussion (100 Days in Appalachia)
Narrative Coup: How Authoritarians Use Fandoms to Hack Democracy Part 1 (Pop Culture Collaborative)
Internet Ecosystems and Political Economy: How the Internet Drives Authoritarianism (Kairos Fellowship)
Behind the Movement AND the Magic (Drag Story Hour)
Exposed! Billionaires destroying democracy (Piper Fund)
Community Facing Monitoring and Analysis (Bridging Divides Institute)
Confronting Christian Nationalism - understanding the movement (Vote Common Good)
Democracy and The Police Union Threat (Democratizing Justice Initiative)
We Will Not Be Silenced: Defending the Right to Protest & Dissent from Corporate Polluters (Greenpeace USA)
The Texas Three Step: Analyzing, Strategizing and Organizing Against Authoritarianism (Battleground Texas)
The Authoritarian Playbook: Parallels & Lessons from Russia’s March to Authoritarianism
Breakout Session 3: The Authoritarian Movement’s Strategy
Sessions include:
How Anti-Democracy Groups Undermine Government From Within Live Streamed (Western States Center)
The Largest Voter Expansion in 50 Years: Restorations of Voting Rights (World to Win)
Weapon of Movement Destruction: Fighting Antisemitism and its Weaponization, in Minnesota and Beyond Part 2 (Jewish Community Action)
The Authoritarian Attack on Bodily Autonomy (Gender Justice)
Unmasking White Supremacy on Twitter: Building Narrative Strategies for Resistance (Opportunity Agenda)
The Brown Face of the "Aryan Race" Co-opting Progressives (SACRD)
Homegrown Authoritarianism: From the Fringe to the Mainstream (Storyline)
Narrative Coup: How Authoritarians Use Fandoms to Hack Democracy Part 2 (Pop Culture Collaborative)
Love Turns into Action: Keeping Families Together (MN8)
The Brain on Authoritarianism: how human psychology can be weaponized against or leveraged to support multicultural democracy
Anti-China populism (Justice is Global)
Community Responses to Political Violence: A Case Study from Grand Traverse, Michigan (Bridging Divides Initiative)
Introduction to Community Safety and Safety Planning (Vision Change Win)
Only the Police Can Save Us (Equal Justice USA)
The Manufactured Crisis re: Sustainable Investing and Boycotts (Just Vision)
Internal Resources to Withstand External Threats (Building Movement Project)
Opposition 101: How-To and a Case Study (Political Research Associates)
Plenary: How We Will Block the Authoritarian Movement & Build a Multiracial Pluralistic Democracy
Speakers will address both the whys and the hows of blocking the authoritarian movement: theories, narratives, strategies, and community organizing that effectively challenge anti-democracy forces that we must defuse and out-compete. Speakers will discuss campaigns and projects to build a multiracial pluralistic democracy, including pro-democracy narratives, strategies, and community organizing that forge pathways to build the power we need to realize our vision of democracy.
Luncheon & Spotlight on Minnesota
This luncheon event will feature a 45 minute plenary to hear from Minnesota organizers and leaders about their campaigns to transform the state.
Breakout Session 4: Blocking and Building
Sessions will share case studies about new and innovative organizing, storytelling, and research strategies using the block and build framework; stimulate participants to change/expand their playbooks; inspire participants to engage new constituencies; deepen strategic alignment; and center our work on power-building. We seek breakout proposals that highlight case studies of community organizing, campaigns, storytelling, and research that can block the authoritarian movement and build our pro-democracy movement for a multiracial pluralistic democracy. Sessions include:
Exercising Native Sovereignty: Grassroots Power in the Electoral Arena - Live Streamed (Native Organizers Alliance)
Beyond the Hate Frame: (Political Research Associates)
Climate disasters & migrations: Workshopping our collective narrative landscape (Narrative Initiative)
Reimagining Safety: Centering Survival and Thriving in a Pluralist Democracy (Collective Futures Fund)
Economic Democracy: A Framework for Equitable Power Building (Demos)
Developing a Collective Poetic Voice to Address Authoritarianism thru Songwriting Part 1 (Jane Sapp)
Info & Action from the Ground Up: A State Model Part 1 (Blueprint North Carolina)
Organizing the Movement for Multiracial Democracy Part 1 (We Choose Us/ISAIAH)
Fighting Authoritarians in Asia: Experiences from the Ground Part 1 (SocDem Asia)
Campaigning and Building a Multiracial Coalition under Ranked Choice Voting (Fair Vote Minnesota)
Using Crisis to Build Unusual Coalitions in Small Towns and Counties (United Today, Stronger Tomorrow)
Connection before Content: Strategies to Engage White Folks in Racial Justice (Zemsky Consulting)
Integrating Faith Communities & Faith Leaders Into a Pro-Democracy Movement (Kairos Center)
Digitizing Beyond Democracy (Opportunity Agenda)
Identifying and Creatively Targeting the "Pillars of Support" for Authoritarian Systems (Horizons Project)
The Bridge Project: Reframing the Prevailing American Narrative for 2052 (Social and Economic Justice Leaders Project)
Building a Rapid Response Blueprint Ahead of Community Crisis (Building Movement Project)
Breakout Session 5: Blocking and Building
Breakout sessions include:
Practicing Disability Justice to Counter Authoritarianism & Eugenics - Live Streamed (Peoples Hub)
What Messages Defeat Authoritarianism in School Board Fights? (Popular Comms)
ARC Research and Narrative Analysis Findings and Potential (United Vision for Idaho)
Tac Hack: Actions for De-platforming Authoritarian Candidates (Social & Economic Justice Leaders Project)
Train the Trainer: Reversing Runaway Inequality: Connecting Narrative to Action (Mertz Gilmore Foundation)
What do bananas, clowns + cornstarch teach us about fighting fascists? (Beautiful Trouble)
Developing a Collective Poetic Voice to Address Authoritarianism thru Songwriting Part 2 (Jane Sapp)
Info & Action from the Ground Up: A State Model Part 2 (Blueprint North Carolina)
Organizing the Movement for Multiracial Democracy Part 2 (We Choose Us/ISAIAH)
Fighting Authoritarians in Asia: Experiences from the Ground Part 2 (SocDem Asia)
Local Sheriffs and the Authoritarian Movement (Political Research Associates)
Protecting Pride: Organizing for queer joy amid bigotry (Western States Center)
Building Community-Centered Public Safety Ecosystems in Rural Louisiana (Equal Justice USA)
Leveraging State Courts: Our last line of defense against authoritarianism (re:Power fund)
Organizing Government Towards a Multiracial Democratic Future (Race Forward)
Why and How to Revive Organizing and Build a Bigger We in Today’s Rural America (Peoples Action)
Unite, Fight, & Build: A Powerful Movement Can Change the Game (Rising Majority)
Affinity groups by identity, geography, and interest
Jewish Community Space/Havdalah Gathering
Open and hosted by Bend the Arc and Jewish Community Action
Sex Workers Making Change
Open and hosted by New Moon Network
The Contributions of Arts and Culture to Pro-Democracy, Anti-Authoritarian Movements
Open and hosted by IMPACT - Transforming Conflict with Arts and Culture
Building A Domestic Workers Movement for Dignity & Justice
Open and hosted by Dominican Development Center-NDWA
Strategy Session to Move Philanthropy To Counter Authoritarianism, Not Succumb To It
Open and hosted by Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
LGBTQ+ Asian Pacific Islander Affinity Group
Open and hosted by National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)
Workers/Union Huddle on Labor's Role in Upending Authoritarianism
Open and hosted by Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Mutual Aid and Direct Service as Pathways to Base Building and Combating Authoritarianism
Open and hosted by Social and Economic Justice Leaders (SEJ)
HEAL Together Partners
Closed and hosted by HEAL Together at Race Forward
Breakout Session 6: Building Majority Coalitions
Sessions include:
A Liberated Multi-Racial Democracy Through Mass Movement & Transformative Leadership Live Streamed (re:Power)
Building People Power Starting with Deep Listening: How to Defend Democracy through Public Schools (HEAL Together/Race Forward)
Rural Power-Building Narrative Strategies: what Rural and Non-Rural Progressives Need to Know (Narrative Initiative)
Pro Democracy Candidate Program (Fair Vote Minnesota)
Building a Caring Majority (Hand in Hand)
Power Concedes Nothing: Lessons From Grassroots Election Wins (Convergence)
Listening in the Model of Authentic Relational Conversations (United Vision for Idaho)
We Choose to Outlive Them (Bend the Arc)
Building a Multiracial Solidarity in Greater Minnesota (ISAIAH)
How to Overcome the Fake Populism of Authoritarians (Popular Comms)
Voices From Democracy's Front Lines: A Listening Tour (Voting Rights Lab)
Systemic Change from the Ground Up: An Electoral Justice Movement (More Equitable Democracy)
Labor Locals and Democracy: How labor won unemployment insurance and school lunches (SEIU Local 284)
Building Responsive and Representative Rural Democracy in West Central Minnesota (Metropolitan State University)
Welcoming and Belonging: A Framework for Democracy (Welcoming America)
Path to Power: Win Justice on Every Block (Florida Rising)
Disability Inclusion through Cross-Movement Solidarity and Transformative Justice (New South Disabled Rising)
Closing Plenary & Brunch: Building Pro-Democracy Majority Coalitions at the Local, State, and National Levels
Theory, strategy, and practice for building multiracial pro-democracy majorities that can effectively block the authoritarian movement’s agenda while rebuilding the pro-democracy majority’s generative, distributive, and institutional power. These majority coalitions should be aligned on preserving democratic rights and elections (and expanding them to be more inclusive) with constituencies, sectors, and groups that may differ on other priorities.