Erica Williams
Erica Williams is a spiritual leader, community organizer, and international human rights activist who has contributed to such campaigns and organizations as Repairers of the Breach, The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, and Community Renewal Society. She is ordained by the Christian Church Disciples of Christ. Erica is a recent graduate of the inaugural cohort of the Master of Religion of Public Life at Harvard Divinity School. She received her Master of Divinity from Howard University School of Divinity. Erica is preparing to launch the “Set It Off Movement” which is aimed at ending the dehumanization, destruction, and death-dealing of poor Black women and girls in the U.S. and the Global South. Her essay entitled "Jesus Came to Set it Off" appears in the 2021 volume We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible with the Poor People's Campaign, edited by Liz Theoharis.